Green is the New Black

Green and wrinkle-free go hand in hand by rachaelr51207
March 26, 2009, 1:49 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

The other day, my friends and I were discussing about how easily our clothes
wrinkle all the time. One of my friends bought an organic press from a Web
site, and she said she noticed that this dress has wrinkles whenever she wears
it. According to her, she irons this organic dress, but about an hour after
putting it on, it is wrinkled.
        I did some background research and found answers to my questions, like,
Why do regular clothes and organic clothing wrinkle?
How do I get rid of wrinkles from regular and organic clothing?
Why do regular clothes and organic clothing wrinkle?
        According to Anne Helmenstine, a freelance writer and scientific consultant,
heat and water are the two main causes clothing wrinkles. She said that heat
breaks down the bonds that hold the polymers within the fibers of fabrics.
When these bonds are broken, the fibers become less ?rigid and shift into new
positions.  Helmenstine said that water is the reason behind the ?wrinkling
of cellulose-based fabrics, such as cotton, linen, and rayon.?
How to get rid of wrinkles from regular and organic clothing?
        In her article titled “Tips to Keep Clothes Wrinkle Free,? Meieli Sawyer
Detoni, an international journalist who specializes in fashion, pop culture,
and lifestyle topics, said that preventing wrinkles from clothing is an
important step because if you play your cards right when you wash and dry
everything, you can pretty much avoid the ironing step all together.?  To
remove wrinkles from clothing, one should hang his or her clothes well in their
closets. According to Detoni, we should never leave our clothing in the dryer.
She advises to remove them from the dryer as soon as the cycle is completed in
the machine.  She also recommends to smooth your clothes using your hands as
you remove them from the dryer.

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